A Modern Business’s Guide to Inbound Marketing

The art of attracting potential customers, converting them into loyal regulars, and closing sales with almost every encounter has become both easy and challenging over the years. As digital media marketing platforms and strategies are refined to meet consumer demands, it becomes easier to launch effective strategies that work. At the same time, however, the ease of access to effective digital marketing strategies, tools, and platforms has made the modern online business landscape much more competitive. 

Now, you might be thinking: how can I ensure that my digital marketing strategies are going to work even if there are dozens of competitors doing the same thing?” Well, there’s one particular solution that has been effectively helping online businesses stand out from the competition without breaking the bank: Inbound marketing. 

In comparison to traditional outbound marketing strategies that focus on the art of the sale, inbound marketing strategies focus on appealing to a customer to ensure success. Inbound marketing strategies are generally focused on bringing customers to a state of mind wherein they can make well-informed purchasing decisions when looking at your products. The most important thing to remember when running an inbound marketing campaign, however, is that you have to attract customers.

Admittedly, attracting customers is easier said than done. This is especially true when the business in question operates in an industry clamouring for the same window of opportunity on a user’s social media feed—and that’s before taking shrinking user attention spans into consideration! 

Fortunately, the right knowledge can make a major difference when it comes to making the right customer-attracting decisions for your marketing campaign. To ensure that your strategy or plan works for you rather than against you, let’s go over several vital concepts: 

The power of buyer personas

If you want to attract customers to your brand, you need to know what they’re inclined to in the first place. One effective way to lay a strong foundation for an inbound marketing strategy is with a buyer persona. 

Buyer personas act as a guide to understanding your customers by listing out the factors that represent who they are and what they look for. When putting a buyer persona together, you have to approach the process with patience by researching on your customers’ pain points, demographics, inclinations, and objections. 

How successful inbound marketing strategies tap into the power of words

As Search Engine Optimization (SEO) becomes even more widespread, keywords will continue to be a crucial part of digital marketing. Although they may seem inconsequential, keywords represent what you need to look out for, what your customers like best, and what developments are to come. 

Keyword research, however, is the very practice that sets successful inbound marketing strategies apart from failures. Every type of keyword carries a specific set of customer-related data within it, as it represents what people actually enter into search engines when they surf the web. High performing keywords that are relevant to your industry can help break the ice between your online business and “strangers,” creating more chances to gain a customer with every interaction. 

Why social media is significant (and why you need to use it wisely)

Nowadays, both “inbound marketing” and “social media” have become synonymous with one another, giving insight as to why successful strategies use social media platforms extensively. Social media platforms allow inbound marketing strategies to reach out to more potential customers and attract them in a way that intrigues them well enough to learn more. 

An effective inbound marketing strategy that never fails to attract customers is one that realizes the value of social media in the sales funnel and how it plays a significant role in every step. The wide reach and audience of social media allows businesses to disseminate their content and message at a rapid pace. As a result, consumers are more likely to run across their content. This, of course, is an essential step to conversion. 

When used wisely, inbound marketing can bring a wealth of positive results to any general marketing and online advertising campaign that you run. 

If you’re looking for a digital marketing agency to help your business use inbound marketing, get in touch with us to see how we can help.