Things to Know When Investing in an Esports Audience

It’s important to approach the discerning esports market correctly. You will have to start building brand awareness by partnering with esports events and teams before you move onto additional tactics. We’ve put together a few things you should consider before investing in the esports world.


Ensure that your brand is visible

It is crucial to be ensure your brand or product is fully visible when negotiating a sponsorship contract with an esports team or event. If they are ambiguous about how your product will be shown or you suspect that they may not follow through, it’s better to take a step back. After all, sponsorship should benefit your company too. Getting the opportunity to interact with the audience is crucial as well. An increase in audience engagement will help your brand grow and see great results from the sponsorship.


Ask about the price

Since esports events are still relatively new, the revenue streams of most organizers are still being built. You will need to ask them about the expenses that they want you to cover for them. Although it may seem painful to pay for merchandise for another company, keep in mind that doing so is a way to become a business partner in the long run.


Know the esports audience

While the bulk of the esports audience is made up of young males who love video games, the demographics of this group is actually incredibly diverse. To overgeneralize them would be a mistake. You need to segment your market and target very carefully if you want to succeed. Moreover, you should always be aware of the audience insights so you know how to impress them and make them remember your brand. For example, choosing an esports personality over a celebrity to promote your product may work more effectively to get in front of the right people.


Consider advertising

When esports events are organized, they are also usually streamed live on leading platforms like Twitch and Youtube. There are advertising opportunities between the broadcasts that you can take advantage of another space to get your brand seen. Other ways to advertise include: putting up banners, uploading videos, and posting content that an influencer made about your product. When it comes to platform advertising, it’s best to invest in the spaces that the broadcaster can control on the site. This is because your ads will still appear even if a watcher uses Adblock.


Know when to approach the audience

Knowing when to approach your audience is essential. You have to do it at the right time so that they will feel like you understand them. Did a team win a tournament? Celebrate with them and show them that you are excited! This is a great way to make a connection and indicate that you are more than just a faceless company.


Consider event partnerships

This can boost your sales if your product is related to esports. Agreeing on an event partnership goes beyond the event itself. If you want to go this route, you should expect to be in a long-term business relationship.


We’re an esports marketing agency that has access to considerable exposure in the esports industry. If you’re looking to get into the esports world but aren’t sure how to navigate it effectively, get in touch and we’ll help connect you.